Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easter and Uncle Ryan's Visit

The Easter Bunny came to the Hodnick house! He brought Ronan a few goodies - no candy just yet - but he did get a pretty sweet "chocolate" Mickey bunny, sippy cup, clothes and eggs filled with coins (SO fun to shake when you're a 9 month old).

We went to brunch with the Hickey family at Bonnie Ruth's (YUM!) Ronan was a total flirt with the waitresses and we all chowed down. After brunch, we stopped in my parent's neighborhood park to take some bluebonnet pictures before it started storming.

Ronan got a TON of Mickey Mouse swag from my mom and dad and his aunt Shannon - lots of figurines, movies, and even a giant Mickey Mouse easter basket! Grandma Peaches and Tom also sent him a GIANT teddy bear that literally takes up an entire corner of his room. We got on Skype so they could see his reaction to it.

We had Easter dinner with the Hodnicks and Ronan got even MORE goodies from his Grams and Granddad. I swear I have NEVER met a more spoiled baby boy. He is one lucky kid!

Later in the month, Uncle Ryan and Aunt Wendy came to visit! We hung out, had some dinners, and Ronan even took a day trip to Oklahoma with Ryan and Grams. It was great catching up, and we are so glad that Ronan got to spend time with them - we even managed to sneak in some family photos.

Throw in birthday celebrations for Matt's mom and my dad and all-in-all, April was a great month for spending quality time with our families.


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