Friday, November 25, 2011


Ok, so here I am AGAIN...nearly 2 months behind on an update. But, better late than never. Even if no one reads this stuff, I just want to get it down somewhere, so I can look back on the memories and maybe even show it to Ronan someday. Anyways, I digress....

The month of October is usually a beautiful one for Texas. We get the best weather, but it only lasts a week or two. The first weekend of the month we decided to take a trip to a nearby Pumpkin Patch to get into the swing of family outings that will be a big part of our life for the next decade or more. The weather had been perfect all week long while we were busy at work, but the minute we stepped out of the car at the pumpkin patch it was HOT! The temps spiked to the low 90's with very little clouds or breeze.

Being the delicate-skinned Irish-boy that he is, we knew Ronan would be a victim of the sun very quickly. And being the new, inexperienced parents that we are, we didn't even consider bringing sunscreen. So, needless to say, the visit was a quick one. We rushed around and tried to snap as many pictures as we could before our happy little Ginger Baby turned into a pumpkin himself!

The rest of the weeks flew by very quickly. We watched the OU/Texas Red River Shootout, and we captured Ronan's first full-bellied laugh on video.

Matt went to Shreveport for a bachelor party for one of our good friends, so Ronan and I had our first weekend alone together. I'm proud to report that we survived. :) Shannon and I headed down to Fair Park for the annual Texas State Fair and blew way too much money on deep-fried goodness. The deep-fried grilled cheese is still. the. best.

The following weekend, Matt and I attended the rehearsal dinner and the wedding with some of our friends at a beautiful vineyard in Grapevine. We had a great time, and if I can get my hands on the one picture we managed to take, I'll update the blog with it soon.

The weekend before Halloween, Grams graciously babysat Ronan so we could have a little bit of adult fun. Matt and I, along with Shannon and Ashley ventured out to a friend's Halloween Party. I was Minnie Mouse and Matt - ever the frugal costumer - was "Saint Tebow."

He even did the pose!

This year, we were also able to celebrate our first Halloween as parents. I searched and searched for the right costume for Ronan - and I fell in love with THIS:

I thought it would look SO cute with his chubby little face, but Matt and others quickly vetoed the idea, so I came up with Plan B - a bear!

He was a real trooper. We suited him up and took him to the Hickey house to visit his Gigi, Pepaw (he REALLY better come up with another name!) and Auntie Shannon.

After 30 minutes or so, he became a grumpy bear. We put him in the car and he was OUT. But, we had to make another stop at the Hodnick house to see Grams and Aunt Ashley, so the nap was short lived! He helped pass out some candy, had a bottle and that was pretty much his night!

But don't worry - he paid us back with a night of NO sleep - waking up every.single.hour.

That's pretty much the month of October in a nutshell. I can't wait until next year, when we can actually take Ronan trick or treating! I hope everyone else had as great of a month as we did. Now...onto the November post :)