Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Name & A Face

Well, I'm already breaking down on my New Year's resolution to keep this blog up to date regularly! It has been a crazy 2 months and it's only going to keep going until this baby arrives.

I have so much to post - but I figured I would start with one big announcement - the name of our little guy. After having narrowed it down to a few "finalists" we finally settled on the right name for our son:

Ronan Thomas Hodnick

I found Ronan in the baby name book after several passes and I really liked the sound of it, not to mention the origin (Irish Gaelic) :). Matt really likes the Japanese meaning (Ronin - a lone samurai warrior). And, the Hickey clan has informed me that there have been a handful of Saint Ronans....so that's always good right? :)

Thomas was chosen in honor of one of my heroes - Thomas James Joseph Hickey. He is my beloved grandfather, and I just knew that if this baby was a boy, one of his names would be Thomas. I was also informed that this was the name of my great grandfather, so I'm so happy that we are keeping the tradition alive - and that I couldn't have picked a more Irish moniker for this little guy!

And - what better to go with a name, than a face? Well, we recently had an elective 3D sonogram that allowed us to get some first glimpses of little Ronan. Here are a few of the best images. Who do you think he will end up looking like - Matt or me?

Well that's pretty much it for this post. I hope that by the end of this week I will have a card reader for my fancy new camera and I can upload pictures of the nursery and a few from the awesome baby shower that my family put together!

Much Love!