Monday, January 17, 2011

Ringing in 2011

So this year I rang in 2011 with chills, a fever and a touch of Bronchitis that lasted oh.....10 days?!

Apparently being pregnant means that my immune system is persona non grata and it takes wayyyy longer to get over any type of illness. Fabulous. Just fabulous. :)

Anyway, now that I'm off of my death bed, I guess it's time for another update.

Not much is going on lately other than the cooties. I have a pretty hectic month ahead at work, with a big sales meeting coming up at the end of January. I had my employee review for 2010 and it went really well, which was nice.

We're hoping to hear some good news about Matt's job soon. Fingers crossed that he gets his own store before our little bundle of joy arrives! :)

I went to the doctor last week for my monthly check up and everything is still on track. Baby Love's heart rate was a healthy 160 bpm, and we scheduled our next ultrasound where we will FINALLY learn the sex!! We booked the appointment for Valentine's Day, because we figured there is no greater way to celebrate a day of love than by learning about our baby. :) I'm literally counting down the minutes....I reallllly hope that work keeps me busy and that the rest of this month FLIES by, but I have a feeling it's going to take forever to get here :(.

I went back to my doctor this week blood test to check for neural tube (brain and spine) defects, so fingers crossed that everything comes out healthy and OK there.

Oh and I forgot to mention that we got a few inches of snow that lasted all of 1 day, but it was quickly overshadowed by the INSANE blizzard that some of my favorite Hickeys had to endure in the great city of Atlanta. Pictures to come in a later post (gotta figure out how to work the new camera some more)

That's pretty much it for the Hodnicks. I hope everyone else had a much better start to the New Year!!