Monday, March 7, 2011

Boy oh Boy!

Well, it's official! Baby Hodnick is a healthy, wiggly little BOY. :)

We had our Level 2 sonogram on Valentine's Day. I was so excited/nervous, I couldn't sleep at all the night before. I had to get up early since I was only working a 1/2 day, so needless to say by the end of the day I was dragging booty!

I motored through work, and Matt picked me up at 12:30 to head to our appointment. Luckily we got called back almost right away and they started the sonogram. They had to measure and check a lot of different things, so we had to be patient to find out about "the goods" lol. I had eaten a red velvet cupcake from Sprinkles in the car and I drank some orange soda to try and get the baby moving.....well I guess I overloaded on the sugar because our little cantaloupe wouldn't sit still! The tech had to work for it, but she finally got all the shots she needed of the head, heart, organs and umbilical cord. She said everything looked normal and healthy and the baby was measuring 6 days ahead, which was my original due date of June 30th.

Here's a profile shot with him holding up his arm:

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Here's another profile shot with him flexing his other arm muscle :):
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FINALLY after about 30 minutes or so, the tech went to look for the sex organs. The baby had his legs locked straight and clamped together. lol I had to do some rolling around and she had to do some tapping with the wand, but she eventually saw enough to proclaim "It's a boy!"

We had a feeling all along that it would be a boy, so this was not really a surprise, but since I had been waiting for this day since I got the positive test result I insisted on seeing "the money shot" so I could whip out my credit card with confidence :0). She finally got the pictures, and my MasterCard has been on fire ever since!

Here is the "money shot" haha:

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Here are some pictures of all the fun stuff we've started piling up. MUCH love and thanks to my awesome mom, mother-in-law, sister and Matt's coworker Jayme for spoiling our little one before he's even arrived.

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I'm starting to figure out the nursery decor. I've picked out the bedding set and I'm in the process of playing with some paint samples. It's a work in progress, but here are a few pictures of the bedding, new knobs and a few accessories:

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On Wednesday I will be 23 weeks, almost 6 months into the pregnancy! I'm feeling more like a normal person again and I'm even starting to feel some kicks from our little man! Matt even felt a couple on the outside. :)

Here are some belly pictures from week 20:
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And week 21:
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Well, I think that's all for now. I'm hoping to have a more complete nursery and possibly even a *NAME* in my next post! Much love :).